制造商 | 型号 | 贮存条件 |
T491、T492、 | Tantalum chipcapacitors should be stored in normal workingenvironments. While the chips themselves arequite robust in other environments, solderability will be degraded by exposure to high temperatures, high humidity, corrosive atmospheres, and long term storage. In addition, packaging materials will be degraded by high temperature – reels may soften or warp, and tape peel force may increase. KEMET recommends that maximum storage temperature not exceed 40 degrees C, and maximum storage humidity not exceed 60% relative humidity. In addition, temperature fluctuations should be minimized to avoid condensation on the parts, and atmospheres should be free of chlorine and sulfur bearing compounds. For optimized solderability, chip stock should be used promptly, preferably within 3 years of receipt. | |
KEMET | T520、T525、 T530(polymer) | Conductive polymer series (T520, T525, T530) are shipped in moisturebarrier bags with a desiccant and moisture indicator card. These series areclassified as MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level 3). Upon opening the moisturebarrier bag, parts should be mounted within 7 days to prevent moistureabsorption and outgassing. If the 7 day window is exceeded,the parts can bebaked per the instructions on the bag (168 hours at 40±5oC) Polymer chip capacitors should be storedin normal working environments. While the chips themselves are quite robustin other environments, solderability will be degraded by exposure to hightemperatures, high humidity, corrosive atmospheres, and long term storage. Inaddition, packaging materials will be degraded by high temperature - reelsmay soften or warp, and tape peel force may increase. KEMET recommends thatmaximum storage temperature not exceed 40 degrees C, and the maximum storagehumidity not exceed 60% relative humidity. In addition, temperaturefluctuations should be minimized to avoid condensation on the parts, andatmospheres should be free of chlorine and sulfur bearing compounds. Foroptimized solderability, chip stock should be used promptly, preferablywithin 1.5 years of receipt. |
OxiCap | Tantalum and OXiCAP® capacitorsexhibit a very low random failure rate after long periods and from this thereare no. All capacitors will withstand any environmental conditions withintheir ratings for longer periods given in the detail specifications. Storagefor longer periods under high humidity conditions may affect the leakagecurrent of resin protected capacitors. Solderability of solder coatedsurfaces may be affected by storage of 2 years. Recommended storageconditions:Temperature:15℃-35℃ Humidity:45-75% RH | |
| 1) It is desirable to storeTantalum Capacitors under standard state*. |
NEC- |
| The solderability of thecapacitor may be degraded by humidity. Store the capacitor at roomtemperature (−5 to +40C)andhumidity (40 to 60% RH).Nichicon |
NEC- | POSCAP | (1) Please make the storage ofPOSCAP sealing up in the reel and storage bag. |
| Capacitors with solidelectrolyte may be stored at temperatures down to -80℃.Theupper storage temperature must not exceed +85℃(for blister tape the temperature limit is +40℃)Thestorage conditions should not exceed +40℃and70%R.H.A dry pack is useful to prevent the effects of humidity. |
| 钽电容器应避免超温使用。超温下会使材料的性能发生改变,因电容器使用的各种材料热膨胀系数不同,可能产生内部应力而使电容器失效;电容器在高温下长时间储存,可能会产生内部热应力导致失效。因此,必须在标准规定的温度范围内贮存和使用。 |